What's your biggest regret in Pixel Worlds?

Hey, hey Desti was literally just asking both you two to chill and you suddenly identify it as Brainless?


Thatā€™s my point. Heā€™s attacked like 4 people because heā€™s hyperdefensive about his past instead of just answering it like a normal person

just as I was saying

I say something , everyone complains abt it.

From just you saying imagine somebody replying to a reply that was not-that-new, to a drama dispute. YOU caused this

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yā€™know , when someone says that and ur replying to that person , its just brainless mate.

@Beta If you had the instincts of a donkey, you would understand that i donā€™t want these forums to be spammed with stuff like this


We were complaining because what you said was rude, bro we know you had a tough past but doesnā€™t mean you gotta spill some trash onto us, donā€™t bring more fuel to the fire, I was trying to be civil and polite, note that

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Can yā€™all just shut up.
Just shut the hell up no more talking no more nothing.You all are causing by just attacking by 4v1.
Creating drama then showing by finger : ā€œhe did itā€
Fr , you all are bs people irl that canā€™t even have a convo.

I was coming back to the god damn game but smh everyone attacks me in god damn day 1 smh.
What are the coincidences that Neo pinged me after before I started playing again .

Stop taking your anger out on us like a child having a trantrum
Nobody attacked you, we told you the truth and you refuse to accept it

If I must, I had never wanted to ā€œattackā€, why tho?? Why call us brainless?

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Let me fix that. It was just a simple comment about you saying why are people replying to something old. There is no problem with that. We get your past was dark. Now stop be littling us by treating us like dogā€™s poop. With your rude attitude and you being over defensive, it is offending and we are just trying to correct you yet here you are still calling us like this for causing drama.

Yā€™all just shut up , I wonā€™t fall into neoā€™s bs to get me banned in the most wonderful forum
I wonā€™t reply anymore since yā€™all canā€™t even think for once.

Donā€™t you see? We would never have ā€œattackedā€ you, we only want a nice and clean discussion, if you were to be polite, we would accept you greatly

Instead, YOU attacked us, calling us brainless

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You replied to me afterwards. idk why someone could get triggered by a reply when thereā€™s no rule about replying to a 2 month old comment when youā€™ve yet to deny my original reply
Itā€™s you who canā€™t hold a conversation because you canā€™t get past your misinformed biases.

Lemme guess, he watched that video

Bro i ainā€™t pointing fingers at noone. Iā€™m just saying this is all just a misunderstanding as you read something Neoslayer wrote wrong or didnā€™t understand his point. So just shut up guys ;-;

Not to mention the other 6 or so insults he threw at us for no reason. He has issues, and he shouldnā€™t be using the internet

But still, even if he had Issues, I understood, he had a rough past, I can relate, itā€™s just that, if he doesnā€™t accept it, how can I even help?

We were just correcting his attitude. It was just that he is misinterpreting our words and thought we were ā€œattacking himā€. His way of language too needs to be fixed

itā€™s fine, just flag and report him, he seems like a lost cause.