What's your biggest regret in Pixel Worlds?

calling ur friends to help u in creating drama I see.
Just imagine being neoslayer.
drama queen.

I just came back to fully play this game since the community was bs and I get a god damn reply abt that , so what , that’s my thinking , move on , neoslayer.

Listen up, he was just asking you a question, you did not even give him an answer or you did not even give a small sign you dont agree and yet here you are being dramatic.

My answer was very clear , now stop the drama kiddos.

Imagine calling people drama queens and accusing people of being my friends just for having a valid point in a public thread.

You’re the one being dramatic here. You gave no clear answer other than false accusations and toxicity. But yeah, somehow we’re the kiddos, when we’re the civil ones, and you’re the guy who attacks people for pointing out that you regret not scamming people.

What answer could u possibly want.
Neoslayer , you scammed to in your past.

Neoslayer : proof
Why would I even have proof since ur a shperson.

You are a drama queen buddy.
stop acting like ur not.
now just shut the h- up.


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guys just chill man

Don’t project yourself onto me. I never scammed in my life.
There’s a good reason there’s no proof because I never did it and there’s nothing you can say otherwise, but you on the other hand -


and u are asking me to chill.
what did I say , brainless members

Whats the point of this? Arguing over if someone asked a question or not fp this has much sense as trying to stop a fire by splashing oil on it

Imagine trying to be a detective.
I am sry for the english mate but ur to dumb to realise.

Did i specifically say u? No i didn’t.

YEt you replied me.
So funn.

All you have going for you are ad hominem attacks. You’re calling people drama queens when this is like the 6th name calling you’ve given to innocent people :rofl:

Neoslayer just shut up buddy . stop the drama.

Shut up.
No more drama.

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You don’t deserve to be on these forums.
You are the drama queen. Grow up.