What's your biggest regret in Pixel Worlds?

I still don’t get it why do world names have value???

Dropping my pixie wings as a noob, and then 7wls 3 days ago

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You can still name yourself Ghost :eyes:

ame with me
selling bunny pants for 300 bc instead off 3k

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cuz they hard to get. they make sense people like words

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Sold my lava moth for 2pl madly

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Not really. I don’t use names which I don’t own myself to minimize confusion on other players.


my biggest regret is when i scammed a radnom girl’s familiar in 2018 using the trade scam from 11wl to 1… i was just depressed i really wish i can find this person again…


You said back in 2017 you were hosting a scamfail and u said midnightwalker banned u and warped u and told u that it was illegal.
Now in 2018 you use trade scam.
You are such a fking scammer.

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what a nice language mate keep in mind i was 15 and now im 19 and i mentioned what i “regret” which happens when i get scammed then depressed and im the owner of WeHelp i helped thousands of players and i hosted hundreds of giveaways i dont know why you are so upset about those which happened 3 years ago, the bunny scam was the only time i ever scammed without returning/ finding that person and the scam fail was when scamfail was something everyone does like u open Active worlds and u see like 10 of them i had no idea about rules mods admins i was just messing like a kid in a new game


now i have the people who love me and those who is old enough to understand that after 3 freaking years of being such a great person u can guratee that person changed, maybe grow up mate just saying, u dont have to be rude


Once a scammer , always a scammer.


i thought its
‘’ once a scammer, always a scammer ‘’

he might have changed? who knows.


Im so dumb
(20 charac. needed)

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After hours of painful research, I have come to the conclusion that VPNs in fact, do not “go brrrrrrrrrrrr”. This is because VPNs are virtual entities, and unless the sound you’re implying is the vibration of a phone or the tone of a computers fan, then a VPN simply cannot “go brrrrrrrrrrrr”.

Even if this was the circumstance, it is highly unlikely that a programmer would implement a vibration feature into a VPN, as this would not provide any substantial potential, and or, desired functionality to the application.

As a result of this, I have been able to deduce that, when a VPN goes “brrrrrrrrrrrr”, you are referring to that of a computers fan. This would reveal quite the contradiction, as when Pixel Worlds was not available in many countries, it was not available on computers either, yet, implying that you used a VPN to download Pixel Worlds before it released in your country and the fact that your VPN was going “brrrrrrrrrrrr” also implies that you were able to download it on a computer.

For this situation to be possible, it is highly likely that you were either using an Android, or iOS emulator on your computer, that, or you simply do not know what a computer is. To resolve this unsure circumstance, I would recommend that you disclose which prediction correctly applies to the matter, and if you are unsure what the definition of a computer is, you should find out.

Thank you for hearing my concerns on this fine day.


Cool awesome Dark cape exists
People: Nah

Cool awesome world name called “DO” exists

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Such an accurate deduction.
I in fact used an emulator so I could record videos back before the game launched.
But emulator still go brr before that


Teleportation (20 characters)

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What about the name phantom?

yep a scammer i got trusted By: pixel_fin, ifrit wings Kosmix, also ifrit wings Arash Red Epwr and more when epwrs were 17pl+
cyber 17 guitar weapon thingy, all of them quitted except pixel fin but i can give u their instagrams to prove :slight_smile: , Also im owner of Wehelp 1700+ 4.4 rating helped thousands of players and commander k was there too, i made website to give wls to people who got scammed, and the scams i did were 3 years ago and i returned them all except the named tummy bunny that i said i regret, lastly i have 1700 followers and i gave away dozens of wls and i did never reach 10pl pure because I Dont Care,