What happened to the world @SIS?

(I don’t really want to explain this all over again so check my previous thread, where I mentioned the world here: Problem with Public User Last Online API - #5 by AKPW)

So on April 10th, as written in the post i linked, the world @SIS finally decayed. Before that happened, about 15+ people were waiting there to obtain it. What happened instead was pretty unexpected: The in-game mod @Zithi went in, banned everyone from the world and locked it. I honestly cant debate on that: the world lock was unreachable and, as we all know, blocks are NOT destroyable after the world decays IF there are people in the world meanwhile. But that is not the issue, yesterday I went in the world and what do I see? The world is now locked by someone who goes by Ntm09. That is the part that confuses me, was it not supposed to be confiscated by the staff team, just like the world @MILK?

I would love if someone could explain whats going on here, it is really weird to me and I only have 2 possible explanations on it: Either the world remained unlocked after zithii broke the lock, or a staff member gave it to the player Ntm09 themselves?
Thanks for reading, peace.


I did not take the world SIS, nor do I own the account Ntm09. Just because literally 2 worlds have been taken, does not mean ill come off a break just to take another.

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The reason I assumed you were the one who did that was because later that day you were in the world @BADCHOICE banning someone for entering a forbidden area through a portal.

What was the reason for it to be given to that specific player? I don’t understand how they would fairly recieve it.

It also seems like the world has been traded because floating items now have a block placed on them.
(check screenshots before the world decayed and after it did, the soil block (2) & a soil block seed have a block placed on them)

What’s odd is the fact the roof of the chaos building remained untouched, meaning that most likely nobody even got up there to place the blocks. What could it be?

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@RetNos Still pretty confused at what exactly happened here. Maybe you got some info?

It’s kind of obvious, RetNos, or some moderator, had locked the world for themselves and then ‘giveaway’ the world to an extremely ‘lucky’ person. A similar situation happened to Luucsas when ‘SL’ was about to decay… It is beyond coincidence that these controversies happen to rare worlds, :melting_face: .

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Giving away among who? This just seems too sketchy, almost as if that person gave that moderator something in exchange for the world…

Why not ask her… @RetNos - go on do tell :grin:

I already mentioned RetNos in the thread, waiting for a reply regarding it.

Ok, it didn’t look like anyone had actually tagged - apologies …

I’m also curious on this subject … this is quite common place in PW . I would like to understand as well

Still waiting for a clear answer to this, the whole situation seems pretty sketchy to me.

You’d be surprised how those incidents have been happening a lot recently.

Not surprised in the slightest, but good things come to those who wait, and are patient!

Well, correct me if I wrong but if it is indeed happening frequently shouldn’t we bring it up instead of living with it? I personally believe if there is a problem with the actions any mods are taking it should be pointed out and worked on instead of being ignored by the community, as that basically tells the mods that they can keep on doing what they were doing no matter wrong it is or not.

You have a point, but the problem is… we might not get a reply and to be honest, we should hear the mod’s response to this before we judge, lol. Then the criticism begins!

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Yes, I can’t debate on that.

Yeah, I think it is about time we get an explanation.

And we never did, sadly enough.

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@Retnos, we are all waiting for an explanation, take your time…