What do you all want from me?

nah hes probably reffering to me ephus and jackbyrne you can join the club though :smiley:

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Please don’t stop making these posts I love how annoyed people get lol

one cheeseburger please


I love how you exactly guessed who these 3 were.



Bonne appetite!


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You can still choose to ignore those threads though. You’re not obligated to read them nor to reply to them. Yes it might seem like the same thing over and over, but if those are the things he wants to suggest, let him be.

It might be a good idea to take a break from the forums for now to have a fresh state of mind. (Also applies to the other people here.)

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Well if these posts from ondrashek annoy you then just like me dont read them.
I just click on then so they disappear from the new post section and directly leave without reading since I know hat ondrashek=something with bans.
I’ts no big deale for me tbh.


Ehm, I wouldn’t mind of bans and mii posts, just don’t post them too much

Even the Today & Tomorrow Channel is telling me to take it easy today…

You know what you’re doing lol
Are you attention seeking? :slightly_smiling_face:
Do you love it when people cry about what you do? :slightly_smiling_face:

The wii screen is right, some things should not be said such as talking about bans :smirk:

It’s most likely because you seem to spam alot and most of your threads are quite negative from what I’ve seen

i think we all don’t want anything from you. that’s why you shouldn’t post :slightly_smiling_face:

srsly tho, whenever i look at any of your threads all i see is a picture from the wii and click away because i know it’s going to be exactly the same content as your last thread.

Act normal :slight_smile:

Stop with the ban, new feature and shös.
And just have fun making conversation with the other forumers.

eg. Name the forumers you love [Forum Game]
→ You: I love @Ondrashek06 because he’s being a gentleman.

and avoid making
eg. Ban feature, 1019282829 day ban. I got discord ban. Roblox ban copy pixel world.

Just, avoid making negative topics and be positive. If you change then you will be accepted. Just try :relaxed:

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I love @Ondrashek06 because he’s annoying other people which is enjoyable for me

This is interesting. :sunglasses:
You should make one.

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