What do you all want from me?

It wasn’t a threat I was just typing quickly and was so frustrated when I saw ondrashek went and made another annoying topic

It was a heat of the moment thing.

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Sounds like a few people need to take a break from forums.

Yes, this :arrow_up:
Preferably a very long break


Hey, what about trying some sort of an experiment?
For 2 weeks, I will try to post quality posts only and not post just to post.
Each of the posts will have a poll to determine whether the thread is GOOD (not annoying to you) or BAD (annoying like my wii/ban posts.)

I’ll call this experiment “Post Polishing”.

Would you like me to do this experiment?

Do Post Polishing?
  • Yes!
  • No…

0 voters

I don’t understand why you’re even here. It’s literally as if you’re just his alt account lmao. No need to involve yourself in this thread, especially since you’re new


You vote “no” to post polishing, but you want me to improve my post quality? Improvement doesn’t happen overnight…

I don’t want you to post anything.


So you want me to permanently leave the forums? As I said, I cannot delete my account…

Relax, I made an account to talk about a possible update and ask a question yesterday, the last reply I sent was supposed to be a “goodbye” from me on this thread. :neutral_face:

You don’t need the ability to delete your account. You said that you were willing to leave yet you’re still here. Just log out and don’t come back? What’s the problem?


The problem is that I want to give feedback to the game or participate in the occassional contests, or play forum games.

Ah, never mind, there is more stuff about wii, I only looked at the topic titles.

Will you actually do something if everyone votes Yes lol
The last time you made a poll seemed to be for silly fun :crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face::crazy_face:

Act more maturely. Your forum name includes 06, which seems to indicate your year of birth, 2006, which puts you at 14-15 years old.

However, I refuse to believe that, because your behavior is not at a 14-15-year-old’s level.
You are categorizing everyone who disagrees with you as haters, which is plain ignorance.
I have no trouble seeing why you were banned from the Discord server.

Stop victimizing yourself and acting like a drama queen, it is transparent what you are after.
As Byrne said,

Get a grip.

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And you’re banned from the GT forums because…?

and your banned from the pw discord server because…?

That has nothing to do with this.

However, I got banned from there by my own will. I sold Diamond locks for money and quit the game.
I regret absolutely nothing! :smiley:


No regrets

I’m happy you’re acknowledging that your past posts are low-effort.

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Just curious, am I one of those 3 people?