They changed the pwe provision :(

sooo… they want byte to be the main currency but they double the provision

this was before

and this is after

before provision was 5 percent and deposit 2 now its provision 10 and deposit 3

i sold dbox for 400 byte i get 372
before i would have got 388 byte this may not seem to be much

but when u sell something for 40k byte coins u will get 37,200 instead of 38,800

which means you lose 5wls or 1wls lost per 8k of an item sold

this makes ordering profit slightly less
for example

without tax this would be 22wls profit
before they changed provision i would have got taxed 1190 byte which is 5wls tax equaling 17wls profit

now you get taxed 2060 byte coins making 9wls tax equaling 13 wls profit

this makes me sad because pwe was one of the bet ways to profit for me
if order the hair right now for 15000 byte which won’t even be that easy to fulfill i will only make a measly 2wls profit or if order the hair for 15500 byte coins a whole 11wls cheaper i will actually lose profit

jake wants byte coins to be the main currency in pw but adding more taxes will only drive me away from byte coins

dear develpors please change the tax back to the way it was…

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Oh no, I thought that they did the exact opposite and tax less. That sucks.

maybe it was marketing madness event :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I don’t think so because market madness makes price less and I cant check rn because of maintenance break

Wait since when was it maintenance break? I wanna ask because I thought my PW isn’t working

since like 20 mins ago

oof its working again lol

btw there is no market madness event

Oh, I didn’t even notice this. Thanks for the info.

What were they thinking?! If you have VIP active the provision is 5% (the old amount) and now without VIP it’s 10%?! What a scummy move.

i know there is not much reason for this are they tryna discourage us from playing the game?

I assume they increased the provision because of Byte Coins being more and more accepted as the main currency by players.
Especially with the recent blind auction of LOVE, a lot of World Locks were converted into Byte Coins, thus increasing the amount of Byte Coins in circulation (which is also why I think the “getting Byte Coins out of circulation” with the auctions doesn’t really work if many Byte Coins were created for the sole purpose of the auction).
To counter the possible inflation caused by that, higher PWE provisions could be an effective countermeasure.
However, the value of Byte Coins wasn’t going down, it instead still went up even though there were a lot of new Byte Coins generated. This is why I think the provision increase was very poorly timed. Instead of increasing the provisions right now while the Byte Coins are already increasing in value on their own (which can actually be a bad thing), they should have waited until Byte Coins noticeable decrease in value, to then stop heavy inflation.

I hope the provision increase is revoked as soon as possible, so it can be used at a later time when the situation actually requires it.

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Yeah a really would like them to change the provision also a guy in my clan says if you have vip you only get 5 percent provision but I’m not sure if that true :thinking:

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I have VIP at the moment and can confirm that there is a small VIP Ticket icon that shows up besides the provision field, so there definetly is a lower provision for Players with VIP. I do not know if it’s 5%, but it would make sense.

I highly oppose the idea of taking less provision from VIP Players, since it clearly gives an unfair advantage to VIP Players and in some cases allows PWE Trading as only viable if you have VIP (if a trade would only be profitable with 5% provision).

I don’t necessarily agree, you could already say that the VIP daily bonus is much more of an “unfair advantage” in a sense (depends on the month, I suppose) but this just helps reduce the inflation and adds yet another reason to buy VIP. I don’t even have an active VIP subscription at the moment and I think it’s a positive change, but I suppose it depends on your PoV.

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Me buy VIP now!!! then me no have high provisions!!!
then me become bytecoin day-trader! :chart_with_downwards_trend: :chart_with_upwards_trend: :bar_chart:

Wouldn’t less be in circulation because jake trashes the bytes

Yes that get’s Byte Coins out of circulation, but as I mentioned, those Byte Coins only came into existence because of the Blind Auction (since players exchanged many World Locks for Byte Coins at the Vendor), so rather than getting Byte Coins out of circulation, I strongly believe that the auction was the reason for the creation of more Byte Coins than it removed.

So the guy whaled for bytes
Maybe there shouldn’t be gem conversion after all

kukouri needs to give us a 1400 bytecoin stimulus check