Rollbacks still happening on summer worlds

My last topic about this was deleted, I asked why I got no response so I made a new one, hoping to get a response this time about this, rollbacks are still happening for me in my summer world, please don’t delete this topic and please fix this if you can, thank you.

Rollbacks will always be a possibility.

I have had one happen since all that craziness when we got 3, 4 even 5 a day.

The game (as in world ) has to have a way to deal with incompatibility issues or bad returns on code. They should now be the exception not the norm.

Message support with

Simple subject title
Clearly state acct and world name. What happened and time and date… remember we all have different time zones.

Good luck

Haven’t seen rollbacks since start of event, so I presumed this was fixed. Have you had any since the creation of this post?

Yeah had it happen yesterday in CARTSNCHILL

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Were there a lot of fireworks going off as well…?

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I just had one few days ago in my world that reset the world back 10+ hours, really sucked, Major rollback idk how it happened but it did.

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don’t tell me to message support, I have and they don’t do anything, my point is to spread the word, I gave up on messaging support weeks ago, since they won’t fix any of my problems I have had these few months, idc about support, I want to spread awareness if anything, which some forum mod has not been letting me do because my last forum post on this was deleted for no reason.

The developers are already aware. As are most players because of how common the rollbacks are. I’m assuming they just don’t have the means of implementing a fix for it yet so there’s not much to be done about it at the moment.

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