Regarding Recent 3650 Day Bans

Just creating this to hopefully reduce future cluster:

If you were recently banned for 3650 days after entering a portal, whether it be a Jet Race Portal, Secret Base Portal, or Netherworld Portal, then you should email about the issue. Understand that moderators know the issue is happening but do not have the ability to remove these bans. You will need to wait on an administrator to review.

In your email to, include:

  • Your account name
  • The world in which you were banned
  • The time and date you were banned
  • The time zone you are in
  • Any details leading up to your ban

Be patient. Only one email is needed.

EDIT: Bans are being addressed by PIXELLOX. Stand by!


You and I still think alike, I like that, I gave a gmail template also, lol

I went and fullii investigated in the time I got home seeing the ban issue, to the time I saw people getting unbanned


Lol, so they actually do reply to emails.

they won’t reply to a message about hackers stealing Excaliburs from the rock, or hackers disabling the ability for donation boxes to work, since it doesn’t effect the remaining sales lmao

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I did get one reply to an email I sent, the second one following my second roll back loss.

It was clearly a standard reply listing a set of questions detailing what info they needed…

The sad thing is I had put all that exact same info in the email they replied to!

I of course replied to it …
And did send a third one after a week or more.

I have sent others since including another 3 times… (A week’s plus gap in-between).

Ive had no responses nor any items returned. Yet I have been courteous, to the point, and patient

I truly believe support email is a waste of time. Clearly today they have acted on the portals issue-… But they had no choice, the financial hit would be severe in losing players on mass, that’s before an even bigger mass exodus

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i hope they’re never fixing that, i got so many caliburs from it :pleading_face:

Same… i got 2/3 replies, asking for the basic info [which i over provided in the gmail’s original, so i made it conscise and to the point] and i haven’t gotten a response since, so i gave up.

Thanks for this reply… I was starting to think it was just me :joy:

I’ve moved on … (Almost)

I still want my pets back, I can buy again, but it’s not the same, deffo not the age

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THAT age? was my biggest peave, my muggii was a gift from an old friend, they bought sponsor on the channel, and said their ingame name, they want the pet to go to me, and that friend, i helped with a serious matter irl

The sweetheart swords… oh boi that’s another storii i can’t relive :sweat_smile:


i think the matter with them is that they were duplicated so now one is 200 000 bc

nope, lol but they been duped so much i can buy 999 now for 50m probablii, or less, and my other items are gone too so :person_shrugging: