My opinion

From my previous review, many people said what they experienced and knew about, but in my opinion it was still not enough for me, because I myself felt like I had never experienced a rollback, I had never experienced an account ban.As long as I’ve been playing since 2017 and even 2016, I’ve known about this game, and I’ve never experienced it, because I know what triggers it.It’s not because the developers don’t want to fix it, but when they want to fix it, there is a possibility that there is a lack of accuracy between them.Which causes damage on the other side, but it could also be because players are looking for a way to get it back after the developer fixes it.It’s about rollback.

Accounts that are banned, in my opinion, are due to our own negligence, or because of something small but which has a big impact in triggering your account to be banned.Because I personally have never received it except for an account that was the result of my own experiments, the result of which I knew would be ban.

You were banned not immediately from today, it could have happened 2.3 days later, how come? It’s simple, if the system detects that your account is bad, no matter how small, they will know and the result is that your account will be banned but the next day

Second, because moderators can also trigger your account to be banned, when someone writes your name or sees news of your account name floating around, they will find out.And no matter how small the chance is, they will find out that information and eventually your account will be banned.

That’s all my opinion and indeed I have experienced it myself, therefore my account is still safe, and I myself am still trying to be a good player and loved by the game.

#pixelworld General Game suggestions

You mentioned rollbacks in the beginning. Are you implying that some rollbacks occur due to bad actions by players? Don’t think that’s the case.

She’s implying everything is the community’s fault.

I’m just making myself aware of the players so that they don’t blame this game too much all the time, your mistakes make this game collapse, if it’s not the players who are at fault, why does everything happen so often?

I’m not blaming the community, sorry, that’s not my goal, I just want you to be self-aware and more careful in your actions

Players could try and trigger a rollback …
Trying to make the world unstable … Clearly the recent incidents of ongoing rollbacks, of which the game had never seen anything like the amount of in it’s past, were not this.

Doing very innocent things like putting something in a display or breaking a tree should never have caused them … Yet they did

There will always be the possibility of them, I just hope they are now as rare as they used to be.

Bans do seem to have been given out to players who are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I almost never use the active worlds button , but many do, perhaps they just wanna be with others, are curious , or don’t know another way to find world’s. This is NOT the players fault, those bans are wrong.

As for being critical of the game management? Damn right we can be… ignoring players who have lost things for no fault of their own , players who spend real money in the game, etc etc it’s akin to giving us the middle finger at times.

So I don’t agree with your sentiments

I suggest next time you are in game play regular visits to pixel station. See for yourself all the scamming, spamming , bots inviting you to very sus stuff… Ask yourself where are the mods? Why aren’t they doing anything about it…yet again today I turned up there. 3 different accounts spamming illegal sh1t. I just left cos I’m sick of it . One account which I have reported from my main and all 3 of my ALTs over the past few weeks, yet again spamming his video scam.

Btw I have also never been banned, not yet at least, cos I don’t do illegal stuff nor ad a player and warp to some sus world!

Well the thread title was my opinion, now you have mine.

Have you even played the game? Have you played any game? How do you still not understand this?

to me that sounds like an admission to having used hacks, because i know for sure the only instances of automated bans ever come from actions only provided with a hack service (excluding the one of a kind recent portal situation, that was also caused by hacks)

as someone who has broken the game rules daily for years even before i started hacking, that is 100% not true (it USED to be many years ago when the developer team actually investigated your account if you managed to attract suspicion onto yourself, but even then it was very rare and reserved for illegal traders)

that’s mostly false too, since always it worked like this: if the report was not of a message that came directly from someone saying something against the rules then the moderator could not ban without proving further convincing proof (thing that more recent moderators forgot about and started banning based on their emotional state while also facing no consequence due to how negligent the developers have been and how careless the community has been)

The only thing i can slightly agree with you on is that many players actually did something to get banned, either consciously or unconsciously, and possibly lying about their actions that could have brought to the ban. But once again, I claim that only because I have been breaking the game rules for years and I managed to not get myself banned after doing all kinds of things because it is really easy to keep secret and it gives me a different perspective.
P.S. There is no point whatsoever in trying to be loved by the game, it just sounds like you want to spoiled with fame and power (by trying to become a moderator), and I can assure you that it’ll probably never happen by the way you pose yourself.

Though I certainly won’t ever defend an idiot (NO SHUT UP), This is the thing she’s referring to →

it stills applies to that, bans don’t just get triggered and i think there’s no experimenting needed to know that if you say something offensive that someone reports you will get banned but only if a moderator is online and checking reports in that moment

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Well said, so true…