I lost my pw account and kukouri gmail dosnt work

I lost my account while account and i doesnt know gmail password and the paswword my player name is eezy and i tried the support but the gmail dosnt work need my password :confused:

You’ll have to access your gmail account before support is able to change your recovery address. That’s just the way it works.

If you have any sort of IAP receipt, you can try sending a copy of that to support with your username and the issue you’re dealing with and see what they can do from there.

Note that some support requests are taking some time to get back to you, so just be patient. If you don’t hear back after 7 days, email again.


i have send the massage to kukouri but then just a bot says that this gmail is not working or smth

Might have spelled it wrong?

Its support@kukouri.com

Yes that’s the support email.

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