Introducing new DevIll Update
Update that brings a lot of new items and bringing you apportunity to get admin items

This update brings new monthly event which starts at 15th at every month’s
but before we move to the event’s world lets take a look at PIXELSTATION

if you go up there’s going to be a new NPC (Dev, ex-pixel worlds programmer)
and you can talk to him and he will explain more about this event and its lore

DEV tells you that his friend Commander (also ex developer of pixel worlds) got possesed by a demon, and he really needs your help and you will be rewarded after finishing your work. lets go to the DEVILLHOOD!

In “DEVILLHOOD” World there’s going to be a trader NPC whichs name is “Hover-GOOT 400”
you can buy some stuff from him whichs more important is “C_k arena portal”
and you also can exchange “dev tokens” to something in hi’s offers but we’ll talk about in a sec.

He sells special “Arena Portal” and Admins items blueprints for “dev tokens” which you can obtain (only one) by defeating a boss after you join a portal alone or up to 3 friends…

As soon as you joined the world, “waiting for players” tab will pop up, and after a while timer will start and the battle will begin…

and now you are fighing this boss. Possessed Commander
(i havent created any concepts for his attacks / phases, but if developers of pixel worlds would add something familiar to this, they can just inspire him from Skeletron from terraria like i did)

After finishing the battle, you will be granted with 1 dev token, which you can spend on items at new Goat npc in DEVILLHOOD world.

here’s the list of items and their prices of blueprints you can buy: (NOTE! ALL ITEMS ARE UNTRADEABLE, SO YOU WILL HAVE TO PLAY AND GRIND FOR THEM)

  • Golden Steam Hat (2 Dev Tokens) Untradeable
  • Commander’s Helmet Blueprint (10 Dev Tokens) Untradeable
  • Dev’s Guitar Blueprint (40 Dev Tokens) Untradeable
  • Endless’ Ruby Blueprint (30 Dev Tokens) Untradeable
  • Jake’s Katana hilt (70 Dev Tokens) Untradeable
  • Midnight Walker’s Cape (100 Dev Tokens) Untradeable
  • Midnight Sword(150 Dev Tokens) Untradeable
  • Goat’s Set (250 Dev Tokens) Tradeable (1 item that replaces your whole character with the goat npc, includes laser gun and slow falling)

Thank you for reading this post, and keeping the community of “Fan-Concept creators”
hope we will get good update soon…



Naww This would be a great monthlii thing, release those ExAdmin items like this, ahhh the grind will be unmeasurable! woah :astonished: heck yeah

Wow that alot of info and content cool

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Great ideas… :exploding_head: :boom:
Sadly until there are more Devs in the game we won’t see such cool additions.

Huge W for adding the goat from GW2!!

They should hire you as an dev. Like ya’ll have great ideas, Imagine if Jake was here… They would probably add this one!

Ws in the cshaaaaaat

That looks so cool <3