Anyone know TotulYT?

I hopped on after like two years and all my worlds were claimed by this guy, I don’t have much valuables in them but if you’re reading this and know him then please let me know!

my main world is also owned by a guy named Fancyz
and some other worlds by someone named TSMbilal

old youtuber/streamer and big time illegal trader, main account TotulYT is permanently banned but i guess he still logs into it

I know Fancyz. Dm me if you would like to get in touch with him.

Both these players are long termers. The first one owns 100s of worlds and has sold them in the past. An old world hunter for sure. Who I’m fairly sure you will find on discord. The latter I have never seen post anywhere… I also have a lock war with somewhere, just can’t recall which world, but I do glance at busy world lists for familiar names…

I’ve had players track me down before, being super polite goes a long way. However some just don’t care…

Good luck

Btw what is the name of the former homeworld?

Whilst I’m here does anyone know @PandafrostB ? I’ve tried to find this player before but failed

it was PARMASHAWN , I used to run a youtube channel and it was my home world on there.

I also built a world called STARRY-NIGHT which was a full-world replica of the starry night painting painting by van gough as well as a parkour world. I used this program that I made called pixelworlds imager that converts images to pixelworlds blocks to give me the “blueprint” for the world.

I built a cool ancient themed world called PRIMEVAL as well which i got signed by EndlesS

even if i dont get any of my worlds back itd be cool to know people visit them as least LOL

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