About in-game moderator application

I’m here to ask, if moderation application form link that i found in Pixel Worlds’ discord, is still actual or not (in #announcements channel) and one more question about mod application, how old i need to be to became a moderator (most minimum age)

This is the most recent link that I could find for the moderator application: Click me!

I assume that the only age requirement is that you be old enough to be on Discord, which is 13 years of age. There have been 14 and 15 year olds selected to moderate in the past.

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Sooo, if i am 14 y.o. do i have any chances to became an in-game moderator?

Yeah, I don’t think that’s an issue. Just be honest with your application.

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Okay, wish me good luck, wanted to became moderator since i started playing the game five years old

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