Today's situation

Hi Guys, I’m Alena

I’m really confused why today there are so many harsh words from players about this game, such as “trash game” “bad game” “f*** you pixel world” and many more.
One thing you need to know, running a game requires a lot of consideration, when the game is destroyed, repairs are not as smooth as your life today.There may be many responses from players such as "why isn’t this game being sold to other parties, why isn’t this game asking for help from other organizations, etc.All of this can be done easily, but a leader or shop owner will continue to fight for the survival of his own game.I know for sure that the Pixel World game developers are trying hard to fix everything well, even though some things have to be sacrificed to solve an existing problem.

Why don’t players want to support this game? And always blaming everything, hey kids, listen carefully, the damage is caused by you, the loss is caused by you, Don’t blame the system and it’s always the system that’s wrong, even though as long as you know, even the little things you do will be known by this game, without you having to show it to them.

I’ve been playing this game for a long time and haven’t been banned at all, even though my old account has been, but that was done on purpose by me. Because I did a lot of experiments to prove what actions or words a player said to trigger his account to be banned.

And it turns out that most players make up stories from each social media or talk about them to other people in the game

My second account started in November 2022, and until now, nothing bad has happened, even now I’m playing as usual.

For me it’s funny when a player says his account got banned and blames it on the game, especially when he says he got a 300m scam even though it was just a fabrication and fabrication.

Just so you know, your lying actions make moderators or admins and other teams reluctant to take action against you, because they often get false information from players.So don’t be mistaken if what you give to Pixel World is often not heard or not responded to because you often lie to the Pixel World game.

Now you better be careful and be kind and honest in all your actions, don’t blame the game anymore, they are trying to get everything back to normal.

Dupers, hackers, and others all know what it’s like and don’t be fooled by things like that, this is very easy to do if you want to do it.

Alena says goodbye and I hope you have a nice day and remain a player recognized by everyone because of their uniqueness

#savepixelworld #ilovethisgame Game suggestions General #pixelworldgame


No they are not, you can clearly see that from mirroring the latest updates. There are no developments. Except fixing the rollback issue, they are not even responding to support gmails, most of them have been ignored for months.

If you go deeper, play the game, talk to people you will soon realize that the developers doesn’t care about the game anymore, they are just fixing the damn dupe issues and stuff like that. On top of that they just recycle the old events, instead of making something new and fun. This has been going on for years now. (I think if Loka comes back, the game might get some updates?)

Yeah, “Leaked Updates” are just rumours, but the duping is not. Yeah of course you should’nt believe everything, but you can always check the up the stories and check if they are based on facts.

No proof = No refund or no help. Moderators won’t waste their time if you got no evidence of someone scamming, or someone scamming you. Which means they are lazy or just not interested in the game.

Is there really anything they did to prevent scamming? A: No.


You are completely right.


Well your heart seems to be in the right place when it comes to PW.

I’m a huge fan of the game, I criticise it’s management, but I reply to the comments that say that its dead or there is nothing to do… But this statement, really?

I’m sorry to tell you that is daydreaming. If not prove it? There is no team or Devs, it’s delusional to say or think it

We do get new content, almost continually, but no new developments…

I have countless examples of how the person (not a team) reading the support emails, that’s if they bother, does absolutely nothing.

I lost millions due to the roll back issue some of them I emailed 3 times. I’ve heard nothing.!

Now I can afford it , but what about all the players that can’t… No I’m sorry but the way PW treats some players is negligent, end of…


I want to say, a simple reason why they don’t respond via email to what you said

Because there are a lot of lies or things that according to the developer or the team are not good from the way you convey them, and are just hate reports for doing bad things to Another player

I’ve talked to a lot of players, and I got a lot of information, that the players themselves often create their own stories to trigger war against pw

This all causes people who have real problems to no longer be trusted because other people destroy that trust

If there is no development in this game, why is maintenance being held, yesterday’s world ban bug no longer occurs, I myself have tried it and my team too

They don’t care but they are busy and they also try as much as possible to win the players’ hearts, therefore There are several things they forget because they are too focused on one thing that is their goal

You said you got banned because you said the moderator was unfair, do you know how the moderator felt at that time? They work, fight for whom? Why do you have to comment like that? It’s normal when you get banned because of that, secondly from what you said, I think it’s important to do it, You were banned because of the global lockdown even though you were eventually reinstated I think it was a form of unintentional action on their part, and they realized it,And finally they returned it

Just from what you said, this is a form of your hatred even though I said it all to make you players aware not to be careless and not to always blame the game.

I believe the developer or moderator reading this message will understand my feelings, and they will not hate me

Imagine you go up to the cop that you have seen several times ignore duty, but used their superior social status as a cop to gain unfair privileges, to tell them that you think they are unfair and should either commit to their job or sign off but the cop just pulls out their gun and shoots you or pulls out their handcuffs and arrest you because they feel their feelings hurt by you.
Now that you got a pretty accurate comparison do you still agree it was right?

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Lots of lies huh? Are they really ignoring the people in need because looking at gmail makes them feel like it’s a lie?

You probably talked to a player with maximum 350 days. Talk to someone that has 2000 minimum days, you will get whole another story. At this point it feels like ur glazing the moderator team, even though everything you say, you know yourself that it’s all lies.

You are telling us that you have a team for testing??? Interesting, In my opinion that team should be shut down for good before you spread even more false information.

I’m pretty sure they do nothing but recycle old events

Next time when you make a post like that, please check your facts before you glaze the team of moderators
