Permanent world bans

Too op…

It’s because this can destroy the game. How about something useful next time? Like really needed to be implemented in the game. It can be a new item, feature or whatsoever.

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It’s because they’re moderators. They do that to enforce or to check if something sussy is going on.

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There the community has alot more power than the joke of “power” that we get over our worlds on their rooms. You can permanently ban, there’s a votekick system and if there’s enough reports, it automatically bans the account for 1 hour.

If you want to play that game then play it. The game doesn’t have to copy another game just to make it cool. It’s better to be original.

But then again,

tenor (2)

But don’t you think that the amount of power we get to manage OUR worlds is minimal? We don’t even get the power to unban the ones which we already banned for 60min.
And if we set up a sign that is meant to prevent world screenshots, it only applies to players, but of course mods get to bypass that because they’re the gods here, making it absolutely worthless… And before you say “they need that to review worlds”, they absolutely don’t, they already have a world TP/freecam tool with which they can already inspect the world.

You should’ve suggested for world unban because world unban could’ve been better than this suggestion.

Why do I think your starting to criticize the moderators for having their own powers? They were given the powers to help the community and they should be responsible by it.

They’re not gods, they’re humans. and they deserve the amount of respect because of their hard works they’ve contributed to the community.

If they intend to use their power responsibly or doesn’t break the rules then just let them be man…

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Mute system exists for a reason.

if world ban system like this would exist, maybe the maximum amount of time would be 1 day, forever is just too much.

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As long as a mod doesn’t abuse & means it when they say they want to deal with rulebreakers, fair enough.

Though there ARE moderators that don’t interact with the community enough.

He probably got trolled inside his world, making him suggest this.

It’s quite sad to know it actually. and the best way for that is to mute/ignore.

If they don’t interact with the people then they should’ve been demoted because of irresponsible moderation. but again. sometimes a moderator can ignore or not notice you because they had a reason to do it. and I doubt they intend to do it.

Bad idea, just from reading the title.

My thoughts: No. What about a ban that bans them for as long as any minors/admins are in the world (Including the owner)

Some would argue that it’s their world and they can abuse the power since they have the right to have freedom over their world, because in the end they’ll deal with the consequences -

I think the ends don’t justify the means and only leads to negative reception from players. An abuse of power and I don’t think freedom should mean being a jerk who unjustly goes on banning sprees for no reason, not to mention all the small, unique and subtle situations that could rise from each moment and each world / player

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