[Joke Post] This should be the new intro to streams

When I was your age, I was 15. When I was your current mental age, I was 10.

Grow up lol

Fire trucks are red. Did they teach you that in special education?

You could have just said nothing, why are you like this?

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You could also jump into a well? Why are you not doing that?

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I’m starting to see that toxic Ephus seep through again, :eyes:


Well I wouldn’t, cuz it would cost me my life, and me not jumping into a well doesn’t hurt anyone.

While you not saying that would cost you nothing, and you saying that hurt ondrashek’s feelings.

Ephus’ ban reason was “being toxic to others”, he seems to have returned to the exact behavior that he had before his account was banned.


Not cool man just shut up.

I don’t see any facts in your post

Go to one of those school nurses to check your vision. Maybe glasses will help.

Go to one of those councilors to stop you from being toxic. Maybe not hiding behind a computer will help.

The only councilor I’d need is a financial in the future.

Yes with your billion dollar ultra-light-flashy computer setup you flex with i see why you need someone to stop you from using all your parents money

It’s actually five years old, with monitors that were bought from a liquidation store. The LED strips were bought four years ago for 7€/5m *x. The rest of the money was either given to me by my family or relatives under a period of five years.

You need a therapist if you’re this irritated about someone on some dork forums.

And there is the “some random game’s forums” excuse.

Have you ever stopped to consider that some people might just enjoy being on these forums and they would like them to have as few toxicity as possible.

None would be preferable.

Seek therapy elsewhere. This is the internetti.

Yeah what you said there doesn’t relate to my comment at all my guy

That comment just show that all you’re trying to be is toxic and ruin these forums with your toxic behavior

You should try to get more than fives on school subjects and maybe then you can say something.

Cool and you should learn to behave if you want to actually be happy in your life

That’s quite false. One can not behave and still be happy.

I can’t behave around complete idiot kids like you. Mene nukkumaan kallu.