Hotbar Flickering Bug & how to reproduce it

Sometimes, the your hotbar starts to flicker until you open the menu.
There is a way to consistently reproduce the bug, which I show in this video:

Step by step reproduction guide:

  1. Go to Pixelstation
  2. Go below the regular daily bonus area
  3. Open your hotbar
  4. Jump and hit a daily bonus gift box above you mid-air
  5. Fall down with the gift box UI closing on it’s own
  6. Repeat step 5 & 6 once
  7. Done! Enjoy yourself an unusable hotbar! (Once you get tired of it, simply open the menu and close it again)

I hope this helps fix the bug, which admittedly is a very minor one.


Really interesting one

Thanks for the excellent way to reproduce this bug. I’ve had it happen every now and then but it has seemed to be absolutely impossible to test.


No problem, glad my way was helpful :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: