[FORUM BOND] Name All forumers that you love! (Thanks 1NB4)

doesn’t realize my name here xd

my fav forumers:
@1NB4 (best forumer i ever know)
@Fazeus well i like him pretty much

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This is probably the most wholesome thread I have seen in a LONG time

You are slightly smiling again :slight_smile:

man why is this a trend :confused:

You are confused :confused:

:slight_smile: :frowning: :confused:

(20 characters)

You are 20 characters :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Well I cannot type below 20 characters

There’s a trick

< type something here > without the spaces, but I don’t use this trick


oh ok I see


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Too many forumers, I can’t remember them all. ; ) Wait, I’ll add you to the list…

Moderators and useless post aside, were just showing appreciation POSITIVITY to the people that we have known since we made our forum account.

Besides, if someone makes bad/childish/useless post it would be reported by us!

Just have fun and tell us to who the forumers you admire (or the people in the forums you’ve made friends with) :partying_face:.

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It’s nice to see people commenting on the people they Love, Like, Dislike or Hate :smiley:

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you do love everybody

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that deffo not me lol

A very wholesome topic. Shows the good side of the forums

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Here’s my list (not in order)

Couldn’t fit all here because i could post 10 mentions in 1 reply.


At least the forums are not 100% toxic for now.