Forum Appearance Broken?

i can’t find the funny

Why light mode?

if you read the thread before posting an unfunny, perhaps you would know.

I did read. I just don’t understand what makes light and dark mode so different, except that dark mode is easier on the eyes since so many people go on at like 1 am in the morning.

I don’t want to start an argument, so ill just say i did something dumb, and ill even delete the post cuz it bothers you so much ok?

@Dev can you actually look into this issue?


good job ignoring threads developers :+1:

i get that forums are low priority but damn…

We need light mode ngl. :sweat_smile:

Forgot to reply here but I asked Jake on stream a few weeks ago and he just said “No light mode! Only dark mode!” or something along those lines. I’m sure you could find it in one of the recent twitch videos (maybe 3-5 weeks ago).

Bit of an update, it was fixed! Logged on to the forums and the light theme is working properly:


Actually, on mobile, the font is smaller and harder to read now… Because whoever takes care of the forums now decided to update them to V2.8.0.

And the PFPs also scroll now but that is apparently a feature of 2.8.0.

You were just complaining about them not doing so…

Yes, but I think the smaller font isn’t intended to be in the new version…

You’re able to change that in the “Preferences” menu if you need to:

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i just logged in and freaked out because everything was white. this is epic. i like this.


I changed it to one size larger, but apparently the small text thing only applies to the thread list. Threads look like normal now, but everything else is bigger.


Dammm… your eyes must burn when you use forums the night…