Can I borrow an Epic Pickaxe? (Or a master pick)

That was months ago, now I’m a noob, but please don’t get too off-topic lets just DM, you can click the profile picture of me and message

Oops I can’t message, why is that?

Maybe because your still new to the forums and have a lower rank? Try calling @discobot

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

i will if he doesn’t :smiley: I can help

He sold his Pickaxe lol ( He told me )
Wanna just work together on something to get some profit?

idk sure, i spend my pw days doing nothing

Thank you Kaluub for trusting me, but it seems that your donation box can’t fit all half of the profits and pickaxe, I’ll wait for another donation box, or do you have it in another world also?

That agreement isn’t binding. Both parties have to be adults, which isn’t the case. Furthermore, this agreement never states that it’s a virtual item, which is essential. And there’s no way to prove that they have scammed it if they did. And if it could somehow magically be proven, good luck trying to take it to court over a roughly 1-3€ item.

The case would immediately be dismissed, the police wouldn’t even react to it (If it was binding, and if it could somehow be proven.)

What do you mean? It’s not like I’m gonna scam

Side note for Kaluub : It’s pass my time to play, I can’t play anymore it’s night time, I suggest you clear all of your donation boxes or put more donation boxes so I can store all half of the profit and the pickaxe, and since that’ll cost you a day (roughly 10 - 14 hours) of you unable to use your pickaxe, I will give about 2-4 world locks to atleast slightly close the gap of your daily profits, take it as a day-off in PW

*It’s hard to actually trade with him since our GMT is different and the only time to trade with him is night time and that’s almost late midnight and even if I can do that, there is still school which continues till about 1-3 PM

The agreement isn’t binding, that’s my point. I don’t think you are a scammer.

Oh, sorry I don’t know some words in English and for a Finnish person your English is magnificent, I thought learning English for some countries are hard

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Well, after spending tens of thousands of hours on the internet, it better be.

Cleared it, apologies for the inconvenience. Didn’t realize you intended to give me portions of the gemstones, thanks.

Just checking up again since I have yet to receive the pickaxe back and it’s been about 24 hours since you posted this message, about 19 since I cleared the box. Are you still using it or something?

oh wait ima donate now
Edit : You can check your world now, I’ve donated it back

Also Edit : Uh oh I forgot to repair it back again, hopefully the gems and nuggets I gave you can afford a repair kit, after the second time you lend me the pickaxe and after clearing the donation boxes, I will donate 4 wls both as a token of appreciation and because you had to wait a day because I couldn’t donate the pickaxe back for a day

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Don’t worry about repairs, I don’t mind

Also, since tommorow is sunday, I usually can play without worrying about school tasks so if you can donate for tommorow it would be nice